999 red + pink roses unbeatable bouquet for forever love. Pink inside in heart-shaped, red roses around round packed. Please order two days in advance.
Qixi Valentine: $2,496.30
Thank you for delivering the flowers to my mom. It was fresh, beautiful, and nicely packed.
Thank you all, Thank you so much for yr timely delivery. The flower was so fresh and my wife love it so much. You now get yourself another loyalty to yr product. Brgds Martin
Thank you for the beautiful arrangement of roses delivered to my wife, she was thrilled
Excellent job. Thank you so much. I bought flowers for my girlfriends birthday. She lives in Xi'an China, I live in USA. They were delivered on-time maybe I would say earlier than I expected. My girlfriend showed sent me a picture of her with the flowers and showed me on Skype. They look very beautiful. Really nice pink roses. I could almost smell them from here. Very well presented too. I also bought her flowers through you twice before, and all three times you have done a splendid job. Gary
On time delivery 100% delivered correct item
The Roses of always fresh, I live in the United States and it's so simple order and have them delivered... Thank you so much