33 red carnations and 15 pink carnation with green leaves decorated, arranged in round flowers basket. Great flower basket for mother or elders, and get well.
Qixi Valentine: $82.99
I am very pleased and satisfied with the entire process and services of ChinaFlower214!!! I couldn’t have made a very special surprise Birthday happen from overseas without your help and services. The flowers and cake were beautiful AND cake was delicious per Birthday recipient!!! Everything went smoothly as planned, thank you so much for great and quick service!!! Highly recommend and will be sure to do business again.
I'm happy The person received nice flowers and enjoyed it I like the good and effective delivering Tanks
thanks dear it is a nice and fast service
I am in the US, I ordered some flowers for my girlfriend and they were delivered in just a few hours! The service was unbelievably fast. Thank you so much for your wonderful service.
Ordered flowers for Mother's Day and they were delivered within a few hours. Very professional and the flowers looked exactly like they were pictured on the website. Highly recommend and would order again!