12 red roses with forget-me-not and green stuff, beautiful simple style bouquet.
Qixi Valentine: $49.19 Add Rose($2/item)
Happy to vouch for ChinaFlower214 again. I have used their services repeatedly for they have many types of flower displays to choose from for the right occasion, to be able to express your intent in colour and form. Visit and see for yourself.
The process of booking online was easy and the qualities of the flowers delivered was acceptable. However, after adding an extortionate 33USD surcharge for Valentine’s Day, taking the total to around 105USD, the company failed to deliver the vase that should have come with the flowers. They also failed to deliver my personalized message to my loved one. This was very disappointing as there was no personalized touch and my partner had no vase to put the flowers in. I feel cheated out of my money and expect the company to provide a partial refund to account for the failure to deliver the whole product.
Faster service than what i expected, thumbs up
This is my first time using Chinaflower214 and I am impressed with their service . They have many choices to select and their info says ahead of time that the items on the photos won't be guaranteed that it will look like that which is true with the vase. The roses and other flowers matches and that's important. As long I am happy it gets delivered on time between that time gap selected that is very true. When my girlfriend showed me it arrived I am happy it did arrived and she is surprised and super happy. Thank you ChinaFlower214. I will come back.