China Flowers,Send flowers to china
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产品名称: 果篮D

产品编号: 282
配送区域: Whole China mainland

- 因地域季節限制,具體內容會適當調整。

如图: $94.99

配送方式: 快递 (EMS)
配送范围: 中国主要城市
配送日间: 3-7天.

替换政策 点击查看: 只用相似的同质同价的替换品.
  • 音符
    US $103.99
  • 果篮A
    US $92.99
  • 丰收之季
    US $99.99
  • 金秋
    US $83.99


Made a special someone very happy today, look forward to ordering from you again and again!

- Phillip R Huxter

My girlfriend very much like lilies, but unfortunately today is no lilies available for gift, so ChinaFlower214 company kindly notify me about this and advised change them to roses. They quickly made new bouquet and delivered in time! My girlfriend was very happy! I also happy to cooperate with ChinaFlower214, they made people happy =)

- Oleg Dobrovoltsev

I have had the privilege to use ChinaFlower214 for the second time and each time the gifts looked great and were well received by my friends. Thanks for being consistent, on time and delivering a high quality product. All the best, James

- James Heineman

I was beginning to get concerned about China Flowers 214, because they said they delivered my flowers, but my girlfriend did not receive them. They said they tried to call her, but she did not receive a call. Then they tried to deliver a 2nd bouquet, and said they called her all day. They finally were able to deliver the 2nd bouquet, and we finally figured the mystery out. First, my girlfriend's phone was not receiving calls from them for some reason. It was the fault of her phone; not the delivery person or the company. Second, and this is really crazy, her roommate received the flowers 2 weeks earlier! She didn't read the note on them to know they were from me! So China Flowers 241 was right all along, but they didn't complain about delivering a 2nd bouquet of flowers. They maintained that "the customer is always right" even when this customer was wrong! I WILL DEFINITELY USE CHINA FLOWERS 241 AGAIN!

- Scott Griffin

I only give 2stars because of the on time delivery and the correct note. Unfortunately the bouquet was in a disarray and complete mess unlike the photo on the web. I used the service before and it was ok taking into account that it is China, but not this time. I suppose another reason behind could be the various suppliers contracted.

- Ernest Piatek

Thank you very much for your efficient service. I will count on you for further events.

- Pablo
我们保证花束是新鲜的花材并提供高质量服务, 如果我们不能完成配送将保证百分百全额退款.
受季节和地区因素影响, 有些时候我们可能会联系客户更换花材如当地没有花材,但如果在配送时间我们没有得到及时回复我们自主更换成同价格质量的花材以保证及时完成配送.
我们提供市区免费配送服务, 如果配送地址不在市区范围内,我们会根据地址远近收取5到20美元的配送费.
主要城市支持当天配送服务, 非节日期间您可以选择配送时段,我们尽量会在3小时内完成配送. 但在节日期间我们只保证当天送达.